10 August 2009

yet another comfy crochet hook...

Here is another comfy hook... I went with a different design for this one with a much larger diameter, and I have decided it is even more comfortable this way. I also sanded this handle grip, while wet, with 2000 grit wet/dry sandpaper. This really smoothed the surface and gave it a slight sheen.

another handle grip (DSC01965)

back of handle grip (DSC01969)

whoa... zoom... I molded indents for fingerplacement...
moldings for finger placement (DSC01970)

hook in hand... nice fit!
hook in hand (DSC01972)


  1. I love the handles! I need to make some, as I'm getting older the steel hooks seem smaller for some odd reason...
    One tip: The brown back ground and black lettering is hard to read...[maybe it's not your blog... maybe I'm getting really old and don't want to admit it:) ] maybe white lettering? I still like your blog.

  2. Hi Debbi-a1...
    Thanks for the comment and I am glad you like the handle grips! I changed the font color to a light gray (white was a little too 'whoa, in your face' for my liking. I hope this makes it easier to read...

  3. Did you use polymer clay for the handles?



  4. Hi Susan...
    Yes, these are polymer clay handles. Here is the link to my previous post that explains the whole process: comfy hooks...


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